How to Compress Video and Audio File Specs to Reduce Bandwidth Utilization
DCP (direct pull) CD Distribution is the process by which mass CD distribution is done over the air via satellite. The main advantage of DCP over other traditional methods of distributing data CDs is that DCP has lower total insertion cost (indirectly resulting in less total distribution cost) and faster data retrieval. It also provides end-users with a choice between a flexible CD-ROM service and a hardware-based CD-ROM service. In this system, the distribution and retrieval of data are done on the basis of a request-for-download basis. It has the capacity to efficiently manage huge volumes of data and large bandwidth.
A DVD can be a complete unit when packaged as a complete CD with a single dcp disc. A few of the advantages of dcp over traditional optical media include improved access speed and better thermal and electrical properties. With a dcp distribution system, a consumer will be able to view a movie, listen to music, watch videos, or even play games from their computer at the comfort of their home. A DVD player, a personal computer with a CD/DVD burner and an internet connection is all that is needed to play your favorite dcp movie or music. A small satellite dish connected to a personal computer allows the dcp distribution system to deliver the content via satellite to your television set.
This dcp distribution is based on the industry standard MPEG-2 format, which is capable of reading & writing different kinds of digital cinema packages. The major advantage of the MPEG-2 format is that it is capable of decoding and decompressing audio and video streams efficiently using a single software program. The major disadvantages of this digital cinema package format are that it uses more than the 3 types of compression methods that most DVD players use. Also, it uses a different compression method for the video streams than does the audio stream. The compression method of the top DVD distribution system is based on the data compression algorithm of the JPEG2000 video compression method. The JPEG2000 algorithm has been in the industry since 1990 and is known for its high compression speed.
Another disadvantage of the JPEG2000 algorithm is that there is a limitation of the number of frames that can be compressed per second. In case of long movies where every frame is important for the story being shown, this may become a setback, especially if there are many pictures that need to be shown at the same time. However, this is a minor drawback when you compare it to the long and exciting life of the top DVD distribution system. A major advantage of the JPEG2000 format is that it supports the full range of compression methods that the DVD industry uses.
The movie distribution company that offers the top software programs also offers a software that can be used by the consumer to create dcp videos and cassettes. This software, known as the Video Publisher, is a stand-alone application that creates a variety of movie images and audio CDs that can be played on any computer with a compatible audio CD player. A good aspect of the Video Publisher software is that there are many features that allow you to trim, flip, and align images so that they look perfect when inserted into your DVD's or cassettes. You also have the option of including music to the video or creating a movie out of a collection of pictures and stills. This software makes the process of creating DVD and VHS tapes even easier.
The last way to make use of the jpeg2000 data compression method is to use a special software program that processes the signal through the IP (Internet Protocol) network. To do this, you should have access to a computer with an IP (Internet Protocol) server. This type of network connection has become extremely popular over the last few years because of the relatively low cost associated with using it for your dcp distribution needs. Once you have access to an IP server, you will be able to upload the signal to your hard drive through the network of your choice. Once this signal has been transferred to your hard drive, you can then convert the compressed file specs to a regular RSS feed using an RSS reader application such as Google Reader or Apple's iReader.
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